Free Roof Replacement Estimates
Get a free estimate for the entirety of your project.
Contact us for your free roof replacement estimate in Edmonton. You can give us a call or fill out our form. We can provide a residential roof proposal within three business days; commercial projects may require a site visit and tend to be more complex, so proposals may take longer. Please ensure you provide your name, address, phone number, email address, and any other details we may find helpful in completing a comprehensive estimate.
Many companies offer free roofing estimates, but ours are different. Rather than providing a quote that shows the lowest price possible while leaving out components of the roof that are required to meet the building code or the material manufacturer’s warranty specifications, we ensure that everything required to get the job done right is included in the estimate. Our estimates give you the entire picture of your project, nothing is hidden. For a thorough estimate for your project, contact Knights Roofing!